Periodontal Disease Treatment in Chester, VA


Also known as gum disease, periodontal disease is a bacterial growth that is caused by plaque and tartar build up. If left untreated, gum disease ultimately destroys the tissues and bones that support teeth. When this occurs, teeth become loose and will need to be extracted. While plaque and tartar are the primary causes of gum disease, other contributing factors include tobacco use, clenching or grinding teeth, and genetics.

Types of Periodontal Disease

There are two main types of gum disease: gingivitis and periodontitis. Swollen and bleeding gums are early signs of periodontal disease that many people ignore. Gingivitis usually appears during the beginning stages of periodontal disease and often goes unnoticed–unless it’s identified by Dr. George P. Varkey, our dentist in Chester, VA Untreated gingivitis eventually leads to periodontitis, which breaks down the bones and tissues that support the teeth.

Treating Periodontal Disease in Aurora

Treatment for periodontal disease depends on the type and severity of the condition. If Dr. Varkey, an Chester, VA dentist, is able to catch the condition early enough, there are steps that can be taken to remove plaque through procedures like scaling and root planing. Other conservative, non-invasive approaches include prescribing medications and oral mouth rinses to kill bacteria in the mouth. In more serious cases, surgery or grafting procedures may be required to stop periodontal disease from spreading.

Contact United Smiles in Chester, VA about periodontal disease and how you can further protect your teeth from damage. With proper oral health care, you can keep your teeth looking and feeling healthy. However, if you do develop periodontal disease in Chester, VA we can help with proper treatment.