Wisdom teeth–also called the third molars–are the last teeth to develop and erupt in the mouth. Because of their late arrival, there is often little room left in the mouth to facilitate these new teeth. As a result, wisdom teeth often erupt sideways, only partially, or become impacted–meaning the tooth is blocked from erupting.
When this happens, Dr. George P. Varkey, a dentist in Chester, VA will often recommend that patients have their wisdom teeth removed. Through a wisdom tooth extraction procedure in Chester, VA Dr. Varkey can help relieve pain, alleviate any infection, and reduce swelling. Wisdom teeth typically appear between the ages of 17 and 21, so it is important to be on the lookout.
What is Wisdom Tooth Removal?
Wisdom tooth removal in Chester, VA is actually a fairly common procedure. However, it is a surgical procedure and many patients will be put under using a local or general anesthetic. Once the patient is sedated, the surgeon will remove the affected tooth or teeth. If the tooth is impacted, the surgeon will cut away gum and bone tissue to remove the tooth. While many general dentists in Chester, VA are trained in the removal of impacted or unerupted wisdom teeth, most wisdom tooth removals require the services of an oral surgeon. Dr. Varkey, a Chester, VA dentist, will discuss this with you further on a case-by-case basis.
Chester, VA Wisdom Tooth Removal Aftercare
Following the extraction, some post-operative care may be necessary to facilitate recovery. Recovery period in Chester, VA for wisdom tooth removal will typically last a few days–although the length of your recovery varies depending on the type of procedure performed. There are several steps you can take to ensure proper healing and recovery following wisdom tooth removal in Chester, VA. Dr. Varkey, or your oral surgeon, will provide you with the appropriate information based on your specific situation.
If you have any questions about wisdom tooth removal in Chester, VA please contact our dedicated team of dental professionals at United Smiles.